You are an amazing and brilliant human, cousin! I truly loved this post as it can be applied to photography but also almost any of one’s interests. Thanks for sharing you photos and insight!
Excellent pointers for being able to get in the state of flow when working on creative projects. There are few experiences like that feeling. And it's definitely not just you who needs to be alone to make it much easier to get there and achieve the best results. Thanks for providing these tips all in this newsletter edition. Am printing it out and hanging it in the studio.
You are an amazing and brilliant human, cousin! I truly loved this post as it can be applied to photography but also almost any of one’s interests. Thanks for sharing you photos and insight!
Thanks for the update, Richard. I've been thinking about flow again recently so appreciate your post. Have you read this book? I bought it a while back and your post reminded me that I still need to read it! Might be up your alley: Cheers!
I'll second that! It's a great book.
Excellent pointers for being able to get in the state of flow when working on creative projects. There are few experiences like that feeling. And it's definitely not just you who needs to be alone to make it much easier to get there and achieve the best results. Thanks for providing these tips all in this newsletter edition. Am printing it out and hanging it in the studio.